Marc Noir
'Fossil Beach'
32"x48" oil. mixed media on wood panel
We are all familiar with the cliché to keep your eyes on the horizon. "Fossil Beach" was inspired by the small things that we don't necessarily see until we make an effort to look more closely or from a different viewpoint. There is a world of beauty in the seemingly ordinary carpet of shells and stones that can be missed next to the landscape of sky, ocean and Vancouver Island Mountains. I have chosen to blow up the scale of this microcosm, elevating it to a sense of grandeur and twisting the notion of what we perceive as traditional Canadian landscape."
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Interested in humanity's stories and how these narratives co-exist within natural and sociological environments, Marc Noir is exploring these concepts through painting, installation, audio, performance, and the written word.  After years spent away in Vancouver, Montreal and other urban centres, Noir returned to Hornby Island where she had spent time as a teenager.  On Hornby, she has found a genesis for her art practice.  Always interested in different viewpoints, Noir has created two alter egos, who are female and male versions of herself.  These characterizations have given her the freedom to record what she observes is occurring within our Western culture, and subsequently our natural environment, from two perspectives.
Noir has a B.F.A. from the University of Victoria and Diplomas in Applied Arts and Cabinet Making.  In 2006, she toured with Bystorm, a collective of musicians and performance artists and she is a member of the Muddy Sundries, a women's comedy troupe.  Noir exhibits regularly and has art work in the permanent collections of the Kamloops and Nanaimo Art Galleries as well as private collections in Canada and South Africa.