Tina Harrison resides on Hornby Island , with her husband, wood turner Rusty Harrison. She holds a Diploma of Fine Arts from North Island College and has attended Mechosin Summer School of the Arts. As well, Harrison has attended numerous workshops in drawing, painting and photography both in Canada and England. Harrison has participated in several juried art shows and received two awards of excellence for her work. Tina has traveled and painted extensively throughout Europe. Her work can be found in collections throughout North America and Europe.

In her own words:

      My studio is a place of quiet contemplation, experimentation and artistic growth, as I am surrounded by natural beauty. I'm constantly inspired by those natural rhythms found in nature and my love of texture, colour and light. I have learned by observation, by experimentation and practice. Living and working on Hornby Island since the mid 80's I am constantly inspired by my surroundings. Additionally I take inspiration from the Impressionists in particular Cézanne and Monet, whose use of colour, movement and texture I admire. Initially I sought to record nature in detail, however after becoming aware of the impressionist's approach, I became more excited by the possibilities of surface and effect, and leaving room for the viewer to interpret and participate. The body of work on which I am working currently will be presented in a solo show.

In August 2007. I set myself a challenge last fall and winter, to limit my palette to fewer colours, to primarily use a palette knife, and paint to achieve the surface I want, for most part having no preconceived idea for the works. I am merely manipulating and creating a surface with texture and colour. Later the painting shows itself to me and only then do I consciously intervene.
       Often I will draw and use watercolours to get down quickly the essence of a scene, a simple sketch later back in the studio with knife, paint and a canvas the magic begins.

'Overlooking Chrome Island.'
24"x36" oil on canvas

"As a working artist living on Hornby Island since the 80's I am constantly  inspired by the natural rhythms found in nature. I take inspiration from the Impressionists whose use of colour, movement and texture I admire. I am excited by the surface and effect, leaving room for the viewer to interpret and participate. Last spring, with my sketchbook and watercolours, I set off on a hike; I wanted to record the lighthouse from the vantage point of Olsen's farm. A sense of mystery and romanticism of lighthouses has been with me since a child. A year later this would become the oil painting, Overlooking Chrome Island."
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